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Posts tagged “update website

It Must Be Spring!

Spring is in the Air!

If schools are on Spring Break, then of course Spring is here right? Thankfully, the weather is also cooperating here in the desert SW. Our doors and windows are open, the sun is shining and the jackets have been shed. Flowers are blooming and that makes this photographer happy!

With great weather, all the neighbors are outdoors sprucing up the yards and I’ve even tackled a bit of spring cleaning myself. But have you considered a fresh new look for your website? Take a good hard look at your site and ask yourself “do my photos really portray the ideas I want my business to convey?”. For an honest answer, ask your kids – trust me, they’ll tell it like it is! So if you want to project an inviting image and what you really see is a mean old hag, then you need to give me a holler and let’s do some spring cleaning for you!!